Round 1 - Small crowd to start the evening. Slow pace to open the fight. Polakowski works the fight briefly to the mat, but it is quickly back up. Working in the clinch, Polakowski eats a shot and drops. Delgado works to side control, but offers little offense. Delgado takes the back and looks to sink in a choke. Polakowski defends and stands, but the round comes to an end. scores it for Delgado, 10-9.
Round 2 - Delgado shoots in unsuccessfully. A second attempt also fails, but Delgado grabs a leg. No submission, but the fight does got to the floor where Polakowski works from guard. Slow pace again from ground. Polakowski looks to get to his feet but is trapped in a guillotine. Polakowski taps. Roli Delgado def. John Polakowski via submission (guillotine choke) -- Round 2, 2:18.
Round 1 - Fast-paced start. Nothing scoring, though. A clinch, and Roop works it to the mat. Nelson works to the back and looks for the choke quickly. Nelson continues to work for the choke, but can't secure it. Slow action, and the crowd voices its displeasure. Roop finally scrambles out and the round ends. scores it for Nelson, 10-9.
Round 2 - Nelson looks to take it to the ground early. Finally gets the takedown and works to side control. Nelson works some ground and pound then switches to mount. Roop taking damage on the bottom. Roop tries to stand and is caught in a guillotine. Roop remains calm and works free. Back on the feet, and Roop lands a few shots but the round closes. sees it again for Nelson, 10-9.
Round 3 - Roop comes out aggressively with punches and kicks, but again nothing scores. Roop pushes Nelson against the cage and scores a takedown. Roop lets Nelson stand. A few punches score from each fighter, and Roop takes it to the mat again. Little offense, and Roop stands again. Nelson scores a takedown as time winds down, but there is not enough time to utilize it. scores it for Roop 10-9, but the fight for Nelson 29-28. Shane Nelson def. George Roop via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
Round 1 - Despite a pro-Kingsbury crowd, Lawlor shoots in early for the takedown. Kingsbury back up, but Lawlor is right back on him with a takedown. Kingsbury pulls guard, and Lawlor works to land punches form the top. Kingsbury working his leg up for a submission attempt, but is unsuccessful. Lawlor lands more shots, but the crowd is unhappy with the action. Tough round to call, but sees it for Lawlor, 10-9.
Round 2 - Lawlor shoots in again. Kingsbury scrambles back to his feet. Lawlor shoots back in again quickly, then moves to side control. Kingsbury scrambles out and back to his feet, but Lawlor again works it to the floor. Kingsbury works from guard, and Lawlor is again scoring from the top. Failed kimura by Kingsbury before the round closes. gives it to Lawlor again, 10-9.
Round 3 - Kingsbury opens aggressively, but Lawlor again shoots in. Kingsbury again scrambles up, but the pattern has been established. Kingsbury is beginning to utilize his hands a lot more frequently. Lawlor continues to shoot in, but Kingsbury is successfully sprawling and brawling. Lawlor continue to push forward, though, and earns the takedown as the round ends. sees the round for Kingsbury, but the fight for Lawlor, 29-29. Tom Lawlor def. Kyle Kingsbury via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Marshall scores with a stiff right early. Marshall pushes forward and slams Bruchez to the mat. Marshal switches quickly to side control, and Bruchez rolls. Marshall sinks in the choke, tightening after a some struggle. Bruchez forced to tap. Eliot Marshall def. Jules Bruchez via submission (rear-naked choke) -- Round 1, 1:27.
Round 1 - Soszynski opens quickly with punches. Primm looks shaken, but scores a takedown. Soszynski works back to his feet, but has to defend the takedown again. Soszynski scores with punches again, then defends another shot. Soszynski pounces on the prone Primm and works for a kimura. Another flurry from Soszynski to end the round. sees it for Soszynski, 10-9.
Round 2 - Soszynski agains cores with a punch to start. The two trade, but nothing scores. Primm again shoots in. Soszynski defends, but transitions to the floor. Soszynski works a kimura -- unsuccessfully to start, but then tight. Primm must tap. Soszynski appears to be thinking, "I've got jiu-jitsu, too, baby," but can not confirm that possibility. Krzysztof Soszynski def. Shane Primm via submission (kimura) -- Round 2, 3:27.
Round 1 - "The Lunatic" versus "Diamond" Dave is underway. A touch of gloves to start. Kaplan takes the center of the cage. Browning immediately catches Kaplan right on the protective gear, but we get a quick restart. Browning throws a combo of punches and kicks, and both are trading shots. Browning scores with his hands, then lands a solid knee. Browning slips and Kaplan grabs a leg. Browning signals he's OK. Kaplan's left eye bleeding badly. Browning passes and takes the back, but Kaplan rolls out and stands. Browning scores a knee from the clinch, then backs away. Browning peppering Kaplan with punches and kicks at different levels. Kaplan pushes forward behind a solid straight of his own, then drops for a leg a second time. It misses, and Browning is now on top of Kaplan. Action slows momentarily with Browning in side control. Kaplan rolls, but Browning takes his back and sinks in a rear-naked choke. Kaplan defends and reverses out to the top position. Browning stands and Kaplan lands a few knees inside. Browning answers with an elbow, and the round closes in the clinch. sees it for Browning, 10-9.
Round 2 - Kaplan takes the center of the octagon again. Browning shoots in works in Kaplan's half-guard. Kaplan holds Browning close, and little damage is done. Browning passes to side control, then transitions quickly to an arm bar forcing the tap. Junie Browning def. David Kaplan via submission (arm bar) -- Round 2, 1:32.
Round 1 - Gouveia throws a right hand, but MacDonald shoots underneath. Gouveia defends well, but MacDonald persists. Gouveia kicks him off and stands. Working from the clinch, MacDonald throws inside knees until Gouveia pushes away. Fighters trade low kicks, then hands. Gouveia catches MacDonald with a few straight punches. Gouveia pounces on the downed MacDonald and throws a barrage of elbows. MacDonald's forehead is cut open as the onslaught continues. The blows are too much, and the fight is stopped. Wilson Gouveia def. Jason MacDonald via submission (strikes) -- Round 1, 2:18.
Round 1 - Quick strikes exchanged early. Burns lands a kick to the body, then a jab. Johnson answers with a left hand. Fast pace early, and both are scoring with their hands. Johnson shoots in and Burns pulls guard. Burns works his legs up, but Johnson stands then scores with a big punch as he slides to side control. Burns secures Johnson's right arm with his legs, then a triangle choke. Johnson stays calm and slides out of the hold and back to Burns' guard. Johnson throws a few big punches, but they do not land square. Burns stands the fight after a stalemate. Burns lands a right hand, then Johnson does the same. Burns is dropped, and Johnson scores with leg kicks. Big flurry by both to finish. Close round, but sees it for Johnson, 10-9.
Round 2 - Crisp striking again to start by both. Johnson shoots a single leg, but Burns defends. Johnson twists and earns the takedown. Burns locks in a kimura, but loses it when he looks to crank the arm. Johnson works from Burns' half-guard, then guard. Johnson lands a few elbows, one heavier than the rest. Burns throws a few elbows from the bottom, then works his legs high on Johnson's back. Nothing there, and the two slide away from the cage. Johnson scores more with the ground and pound, but the pace is moderate. The fight continues with Burns in a closed guard and Johnson landing moderate shots from the top. Burns throws up a leg to look for a triangle, but Johnson slides out, Burns regains guard then rolls for an arm. Johnson scores again from the top, and the bout finishes in the position. gives it again to Johnson, 10-9.
Round 3 - Johnson scores a few leg kicks to open, then Burns throws a few hands. A big left kick to the head scores for Johnson, and Burns is out. Anthony Johnson def. Kevin Burns via knockout (kick) -- Round 3, 0:28.
Round 1 - Bader starts with a low kick, Magalhaes answers to the body. Both trade hands. Magalhaes lands another kick to the body. Bader scores with a punch. A brief clinch, but the two break apart. Bader slips after a kick, but Magalhaes can't capitalize. Moderate, cautious pace by both. Bader works punches from the outside. Big right overhand punch drops Magalhaes, and Magalhaes is down. A few punches follow to leave no doubt. Ryan Bader def. Vinny Magalhaes via KO (punches) -- Round 1, 2:18
Round 1 - Nover starts with a high kick that is blocked. Nover shoots in behind a right hand, but Escudero ends up in top position. Nover pulls guard, and Escudero stands. Escudero lands a solid right hand and takes Nover's back. Escudero looks to sink in a choke, and controls Nover with both hooks secure. Escudero switches to mount, then lands a few heavy shots. Escudero stands and pounds a few leg kicks. Escudero moves in but gets trapped in a near-triangle position. Nover keeps control, and tries to roll to the back. Slick transitions as Nover misses a standing kimura. Escudero immediately brings the bout back to the mat. Nover moves the leg up and Escudero stands. Escudero again scores a takedown and lands a big right hand, falling into Nover's half-guard. Escudero stands and throws kicks to the legs of a downed Nover. Escudero allows Nover to stand. As time winds down the fighters work from the clinch. sees it for Escudero, 10-9.
Round 2 - Nover swings wildly, but Escudero again brings it to the floor. Escudero is in side control. Escudero stands and again throws kicks to the legs. Nover misses slightly with an upkick. The two stand and clinch. Both trade knees inside. Nover lands a right as the two push away. Escudero lands a few inside leg kicks, then clinches as Nover charges. Nover sinks a guillotine from the standing position, but releases it as the two hit the floor. Escudero on top from Nover's half-guard. Nover holds his opponent close, but Escudero remains active enough with punches to the head and body to avoid a stand-up. Nover tries to grab a leg as Escudero stands, and a spirited exchange ends the round. It's another round for Escudero in's eyes, 10-9.
Round 3 - Nover opens with a few kciks, then scores a nice right hand. Escudero immediately takes the fight to the floor, then stands and throws kicks. Nover quickly stands as well. Nover throws a combination but Escudero ducks out of the way. Nover looks as if he's starting to time Escudero, but the blows are only glancing. Escudero again works to the mat. Nover pulls a closed guard, then looks to utilize the rubber guard. Nover has a near omo plata, but Escudero is keeping his head to the mat. Nover is throwing elbows to Escudero's arm and head while trying to finish the position. Nover has the submission briefly, but rolls out. Nover stands and Escudero looks to keep him away with up kicks. Nover in side control, and the round ends. awards the final round to Nover, but the fight to Escudero, 29-28. Efrain Escudero def. Phillipe Nover via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
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